Friday, November 25, 2011

Big Bad Wolf Aftermath Sale

We have been in love with Big Bad Wolf gang ever since we've met Excess Book Store in Amcorp Mall. I tell you, the books there are darn cheap!

Then, they've organized a SALE and claimed it as the biggest book sale in the WORLD! (which I think ya kot~) Memang rambang biji mata I masa tuh and we spent I think about RM 100++ for more or less 10 books. It was held in MAEPS and with such a vast area memang x nampak crowded (except for the fact that we are st*pidly enough to go at night yang berjaya membuat kan I tak cukup masa nak browse laaagi banyak buku!)

In conjunction with 300,000 books left to be cleared after the SALE, they come up with an AFTERMATH SALE. This time around, it is done in South City Plaza with price ranging from RM 5 and BELOW! Yup, you read it right buddies! RM 5 and below...

Now dah percaya?

Sungguh la ramai umat nya nak² plak bila beratur untuk bayar... Definitely it'll take you more than 1 hour!
So what we did was, the moment amek je 1 box of buku, terus hubby beratur while I went and search for more~

Tons of books waiting to be sold including Nigella Christmas. Can you imagine Nigella Christmas for max RM 5?! *pengsan!

The only section yang I sempat bertapa SAHAJA! Itu pon tak habis belek..

Mujur gak Aysar tido which ease me in browsing~ Thanks hubby for lining up while carrying him..

*wink! *wink!

Yeap, that belongs to us!

We brought the stroller along initially to put Aysar in tapi tetiba laks Alya kata takmo jalan.. Dari nak kena pikul 17kg tuh, baik strapped her to the stroller which memudahkan kami bukan tak yah lah susah payah mengejar dia here and there, kan?

Another good thing was, we can just put the box full of books nearby her while looking for others. But the moment my box beranak jadi 2 boxes while cousin have 1 box for herself only, terpaksa la melepaskan Alya and dumped the boxes on the stroller. We then just had to monitor Alya yang baru berpeluang nak browse through..

Buku Handy Manny pon dia nak dengan alasan untuk adik dia~

Damage done? I'll update it later. Till then, toodle loo~

*tangan lap peluh kat dahi.. phew~


Small Kucing said...

alamak...i tak nampak Nigella pulak...tengah cari Jamie oliver but tarak

~ shac ~ said...

I nampak tapi still dalam wrap. Nak repeat lagi tapi tak berjaya nak bagi hint kat hubby! huhuhu...


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