Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Besar A Kecik

Less than 30mins before I can clock out tp tetibe je perasaan rindu pada anak-anak membuak-buak pulak.. Apa je la agak nya yg diorg dok buat with their beloved cousins~

Last time I check this morning, all 4 of them were watching Upin Ipin while Aysar dok wat hal sendiri~

Ooh I tell you, my boy is obsess with balls! Even when he saw balloon, he'll call "Ba!"

Ini budak baaaaanyak suka makan + membebel!!

Unlike Alya at the age of 11 months, Aysar can
1) wave bubye
2) flying kiss (though lama je palm to his mouth sambil lidah terkeluar cam sedap sangat)
3) hello~ the gesture can be done either using handphone (terbalik), TV remote, phone casing his hand or even other people's hand
4) call out "Ba!" whenever he sees ball or balloon
5) call out "Ca!" for cats. Bunyik lebih macam "kheh"
6) his walking step pon dah makun banyak but he's too lazy to stand up on his own bila jatuh terduduk and he starts crawling again. Unless we put him standing up, laju je he walk especially when he chase after ball or kakak riding bike. (sambil mulut membebel tanpa henti)
7) ooohh he loves to baby talk! Macam2 sound dia bley kuarkan especially bila naik kereta. Setakat blabbering throughout 15 mins journey tuh memang takde masalah la buat Aysar

As for Alya, her English is waaaaay better compare to her father! Oops sorry b, I'm just telling the truth. There are times when she wants something that is impossible, she would just say, "ooh.. I wish I have wings like that so I can fly high up in the sky" sambil buat gaya bukan sekadar terbang tapi dengan muka penuh harapan dan berangan yang akan menyebabkan her momma macam nak lempang sila-sedar! Excuses pulak dah macam cair di mulut~ But all of these are done in her adorable way yang macam mana sakit hati pown tetap buat momma geram nak cubit pipi and cium puas-puas...

Macam mana tak rasa geram dengan budak ini? How?! HOW?!!!

Kecik² adik suka buli kakak and kakak suka dibuli adik~

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