Alya has been getting more and more brilliant and mischievous as well...
Last week, her Chede had bought her a choccy teddy biscuit. We had kept it in a bottle in our room (If not, the biscuit will surely find its way to be finished in one day...) Anyway, our closet use to be a walk in wardrobe concept. So, basically it is door-less. Now that we have a baby in the room, and this baby will not have enough space to wonder around, we had then decide to arrange the cupboards on one side of a wall.. So, macam terkangkang je ah the closet with no doors, kan?
Everyday now, once we bring Alya up to the room, she will pick up the bottle, shoved it to me and say "Nakkkk!!". Once I've hold the bottle, she will quickly sit on one of the cupboard's base (The base kan a bit higher than the floor, higher a bit than our ankle, gitu kan..). Dengan muka sengih², I'll pass it to her and she'll eat dit. After one bite, mula ah die bangun and woner around (mcm ah bilik tuh besar sgt pown). Until she wants another piece of biscuit, baru ah die sit back and say "aNakk"..
Being a sweet-freak mother, I am very much trying to control her sweet intake. So, the limit she can get is just 2 biscuit at 1 time (which usually pown mmg 1 time per day je pown).
Baguihlah hang control dia punya sugar intake..kalau tak jadi mcm 3 ninjas kat sinis..non stop..
skang pown dah rasa die cam nak jadi hyper.. Of course ah lagi kena jaga.
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