Tuesday, December 13, 2011


My baby boy, Shami Aysar is going to be one year old veeeeery soon.

He is one very cheeky boy! Still breastfeed, Alhamdulillah.. Each time he sees me, mula la bunyi ngada-ngada tuh.. Whenever he couldn't get what he wants, he'll come to me and start lying down.. Paham-paham je la kalo dah camtuh kan?

Eats a lot though his weight says the opposite (*sigh). Baby talk a lot. Oh my, does he really talk~

Now that he can walk steadily, he 'helps' us to clean up around the house! Poor Alya yang towards the end, had to really clean up.. There was once that Alya had to clean up twice! Alya pon mula membebel kat adik dia, "Aysar ni!" Hehehe.. But still, she clean up~ Thanks darling!

Underneath pokok kelapak, I will wait for you..

Alya is already keep our hands full with her activeness and creativeness and we used to think how hard can a boy be? Heh, boys are certainly cannot be compare.. Am not so sure if it's because he's younger than Alya.

Mangsa bulian.. But still tak serik²~ Lepas tuh wat muka kesian kat momma dia.. Huhuhu..

We (Hubby, specifically) used to scold Alya but she learnt there and then what's not! While this little cheeky boy of mine, would then imitate the way people scold him! Aiyak!

Kakak used the table as a goal post while Adik selamba naik, duduk atas.. Chilling sambil tukar channel.. Urghh!!

He is such a total opposite compare to Alya, his sister. But no matter how different could both of them be, my love towards them could also not be comparable~

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