Friday, April 16, 2010

Membebel secara serius

It is possible to count only using hand brape kali je kitorg balik bila time drive tanpa memerlukan lampu jalan mahupun lampu kereta. Sampai² rumah, the house is in total chaos. And knowing how fussy my husband could be and before his bebelan menyebabkan urat kepala i tegang sehingga putus, it has been a habit for me utk tros masuk dapur.. Nak² plak kalo keadaan yang sangat kritikal, kengkadang sampai tudung pown x sempat bukak. Tros tanggal jam and rings, sinsing lengan tangan and off cleaning up the kitchen (kawasan paling crucial!).
Apa yang menyebabkan I rasa sakit SAKIT HATI is those "sepahan" mmg definitely bukan disebabkan oleh Alya. Jadi kalo the whole house nak menyalahkan Alya dalam cerita mmg sangat nak menyebabkan I jadi hulk hogan lah jawabnye..
Yes, I understand how active Alya could be and how tiring it is to look after Alya the whole day, tp I x paham macam mana leh biarkan aje she sepahkan and play with things that she's not suppose to (eg: jug, water bottle, tupperware, bowl, pots and etc). Eeii.. masa I jaga dia pown, yes, she wants to play with those things and I will just say no and explain to her. Then, I would distract her with her toys and perhaps play with her for a while. Come on laa.. Don't tell me yang adult pulak yang kena mengalah. Sbb itulah sume budak² kena dijaga oleh org dewasa. Habis kalo org dewasa x leh nak jaga budak², x ke x logik namanye?
We all (me and hubby) have make it into a practise, each time lepas Alya play her toys, and she moved to another activity (eg: watch TV ke), we'll ensure she clean up ALL her toys. Sometimes we sing song "Clean up, clean up, everybody do your part.." with her and she'll start putting back all her toys where it should've been. Jadi sia² lah kan all of these trainings kalo in the end (during office hours specifically), die x practise pown. Macam mana nak dijadikan habit, btol x?
Kalo kot ye pown dah malas nak kemas selalu because she'll keep on rummaging things, tunggu lah smpi dah habis time main die, before her sleep time or milk time ke, kemas lah sket the toys (itupown kalo malas to go through the hassle of asking her to clean up sendiri). Kalo malas lagi, leh je throw ALL her toys into her tent. At least kemas lah sket umah tuh kan? Nih x de ah sampai tahap nak pijak lantai pown teragak² sbb dah penuh dgn toys dier..
Nnti² I sambung lagi sbb nih baru chapter sepahan yg dilakukan oleh Alya..
p/s: The blame doesn't go to my mom AT ALL. And surprisingly, kalo my mom jaga dia sorg², x penah plak I hadapi stress begini~


alangbudi said...

sabar lah ek...

~ shac ~ said...

kalo x sabar awak.. dah jadi raksasa menyerang Jepun dah rasanye~


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