Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Shh.. It's a secret!

For those who read this I'm begging you please please please don't laugh or judge me after reading this post.  Please be reminded that everyone has their own moment and it's just so happen that I'd like to share mine.

Just like everyone else, I also have fav movies and so-called crush over actors.  Unfortunately, I'm not the type who easily falls for any entertainer.  My last crush was Norman KRU which was perhaps 15 years back and it's such a terrible crush.  Err.. I mean, I can go pretty serious in "crushing"...  Just like those crush you have over a man you like, you know?  But as time goes by, my crush towards him had turn into a respect.  I love the way he thinks and manage his family business.  Something that Malaysian should be proud of.

Anyway, I'd watched this movie of my new "crush" for quite sometimes and I can't get my head off of it.  I had downloaded the whole series and watched it twice.  Yes, I'm in love with this guy but I can't watch it anymore and you know why?  Err.. you can skip this part as it is pretty embarrassing.  Argh who cares! As I mentioned earlier, everyone has their own moment.  Ok back to the story, I got butterfly, I became nervous, my hands sweat, my heart beating fast and things seems abnormal whenever I see him.  That's it, I've admit it!  And the worst part is, I've dream about him.  The whole clan actually but in the dream, it was obvious I had crush on him.  I keep eyeing on him!  Malu weih.. sedangkan mimpi je pown..  And I've signed up as his fan in my fb. Parah tuh!

To all, this is the movie that I was talking about.  It such a hit movie though it's a Korean version adapted from a Japanese comic book and even Japanese had their own series of it.  I haven't watched other versions and I haven't watched any other Korean drama after this particular one.

It's worth it!

And the guy that I am bragging about..

It's Lee Min Ho.  He's only 22 (22nd June 1987) and he's certainly super duperly amazingly keeps me fly high.  Hehehe.. sowwy B.. You know it too!  Can't help it!

I realized that my crush is at critical level when they had the series show at Chiang Mai and there I was freezing as if I was struck by a lightning.  Teruk weihh...


Unknown said...

eeeewwwwww...that's so grossssssss.........!!!1!!

~ shac ~ said...

excuse me.. that kind of comment is not welcome at all, ok?
after all, i'm just merely being honest~


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