Wednesday, October 28, 2009

He is my baby bro

He can be pretty annoying at times
and can even be hillarious at most of the times...
We'd always fight even over stupid things... always...
And I'd always hit him hard.. especially when he bites alya.. which is everyday~
But we all know in heart that he loves Alya VERY much and I can really count on him when it comes to Alya..
But yesterday's fight was not like before.
We've fought over 2 pcs of Cinnabon's rolls. He ate it all without asking our permission. And we pissed off like nobody business.
When I talked to him, angrily, he'd said "Dah lah.. lepas nih jgn risau.. Dah xde dah camnih.."
I was stunned but ego kept me high to even asked more..
I know that he'd be off to Miri this morning and mom had suggested that we all go out for dinner before send him to his friend's house in Setapak as his friend will send him this morning. But due to the incident, we didn't send him. Mom was (and might even still) pissed off.
This morning, before my Subuh prayer, I'd called him. He was already at the airport.
And then only I remember to ask one very important thing. "When are you coming back?"
"I don't know yet. I am here for an interview and I am hoping to get a job and settle down here. Akak doakan ek"
His answers then sounds like thunder to me.
He's been far away as he loves traveling but I always knew when he'd be back. But for the first time in my life, he'd be there, and leave me in uncertainty.
As mentioned before, he can surely be a pain in the ass, but he's after all my only sibling, my only brother, my only baby bro.. And no matter what happen, I need him to be here as it is my responsibility to look after him like I always do.
It has only been a few hours but the sounds of him, keep ringing in my head. Especially when he'd asked me to take care of mom and Alya. He'd even worried if Alya will wake up and search for him like she always did and he won't be there this morning and the next morning..
His last sms "Hafiz borading dh, nnt dh smpai hafiz kstau.. Doa2lah bagus utk hafiz dkt sni nnt.. Bye!"

I don't care.. I might be selfish but I'd trade everything just to get him back here safely in front of me as I hadn't had the chance to kiss him, to hug him and to talk to him as what a sister should do..
Hafiz, I am missing you and both akak and mak have been crying a lot this morning...


alangbudi said...

kalau ader dua2 nie mmg lar tak semapt nak bercakap, tak kering gusi, mmg best lar, thanks jemput kenduri suri aritu...

~ shac ~ said...

apsal laks x sempat nak cakap? kan ke kitorg dua pendiam orgnye?

Hehe.. kite yg patut say thanks kan sbb u helped a LOT, and sure a lot.. dah cam kenduri adik awak laks..~

p/s: i sure still miss him..

alangbudi said...

uiks, kalo kenduri adik sendiri rileks jer, tunjuk2 suh org lain buat, hahah....


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