Monday, May 25, 2009


I love riding motorcycles... And I really mean LOVE.. I can still remember all the rides I had masa kat kampung dulu.. I was in primary years... Excited, the nerves and the fun cannot be express in words. If I had the chance, me and my cousins will surely berebut. And since Kak Ti and I are the same age, usually kitorg menang and there we go bertiga dgn Aunty Sheri (read: Che Ngah's best buddy). Aunty Sheri lah yg paling rajin entertain kitorg naik motor. On the way pergi, I'll be seated in the middle and Kak Ti kat belakang, and bila balik, the other way around only so it'll be fair for both of us. So sweet~
Despite the loves, I've had accident twice. First was in kampung Terengganu (read: mom side). I was then, have NO idea on bike. I only know how to switch on using the starter (is that what u call it?) Then one fine evening, while talking with cousins, kaki nih gatal laks nak mengetek the gear (I didn't know that it was a gear nor the function, ok?). Lepas tu, tgh bowink², I pon nak show off ah kat cousins yg I know how to switch the motor on. And there you go. Bergerak ah I... Yg lagi besh nyer, I didn't know where the brake is. Well, I know nuts about motor~ I punya panic, I ter'press' lagi minyak.. Apa lagi, terus wheely and bang langgar pokok kapas. Berlari lah my uncle, Ayahsu yg tgh basuh ayam to come and rescue me. Pick me up (Ayahsu cam hulk hogan; and plus I was petite.. hihihi x mo kalah) and put me at verandah. My aunty, Cik Ani dah start berendam air mata dah.. Sedangkan I just pitam je (sbb terkejut). Dad's first word was, "Siram die". Masa tuh, I dah cam, "What?" Tp, sbb sgt lemah, x terkata apa².. And bile disiram baru lah rasa pedih here and there. oOoOo.. nak detect kat aner luka rupanye.. Terus I rasa agak serik nak naik motor.. Bertahan gak serik I for a few months.
Then, in 1999, I started to learn bawak motor with Akak Azu (a fren in UM). She had taught me well, pusing² kat Fac Math, UM. And dgn rasa yg sgt confident, bile balik Kedah (read: dad's side), I pon bawak cousin, Sobri gi kedai naik motor. Pergi balik, selamat... Smpi je umah, Ayahwa (read: dad's older bro) suh parking dlm umah. "Alamak.. lorong nak masuk umah pendek je.. Kalo kat luar, press minyak, shrroo je jauh. x per, I can do it!" Huh, bedebup langgar aquarium luar umah.. Terkejut sumer org sbb bunyik nye agak kuat.. Tp, Ayahwa baik... His main concern is whether am I alright or not. And yes of course I am! And that was the last time I have any interest in driving bikes. NO MORE, JOSE! But, still I love riding it~
Alya had a few ride on motorbike before. But she are yet to show any sign of liking... Mostly, she would just sit still and looking stunned. Iye lah.. paling jauh pon to my cousin's house which is 3 lanes behind us.
On 21st May, we brought Alya to KFC, which takes about 3 minutes by bike. Hehehe.. But, she had enjoyed it very much. Iyelah.. yg paling jauh of all, kan? Yg paling x bley blah skali, on the way back, she's waving at everyone, at the bus stop, at the school... Dah cam citer Princess of Diaries laks.. Hihihi.. Mujur x wat flying kiss...

Yg buat dia paling excited sbb kitorg pakai helmet kot.. Mana die penah tengok~

Thanks to Kak Ja for borrowing us the motor..

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hihihi..uols nampak cute sangat with the helmet..and Alya..sengih macam kerang bushukk..muah..muah..muahh..


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