Saturday, April 18, 2009


Wee.. pretty excited today! Got my 2nd award.. Thanks to Isma for the lovely funky award!

1. The winner can put the logo on his/her awesome blog...

2. Link the person you received your award from..
None other than Isma, my schoolmate.

3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
At least 7? Erk.. erk.. erk..
Izan; my BFF~
Boy; my baby poo~ (ko utang satu award dari aku!)
Kak Aishah; an inspiring senior~
Siti; weih, lama x dengar citer!
Kak Ju; long lost senior~
Yanie; DJ BTN nih~
and last but certainly the best... jreng jeng jeng (drum roll please...)
Sis Mone; sisters forever~

4. Put links of those blogs on yours...
To those listed above, come and claim your award here! And just and extra note, I do LUV reading ur blogs! Keep on writing~


aishah zaharin said...

nak kena menuntut ilmu belaja macamana nak kasik font kuar ada kaler²..

maklum la i nih nama jek blogger tegar, tapi kureng celik it.. hehe

~ shac ~ said...

yg slash nye reti laks akak nih..

umah tuh dah brape kali cat dah sha tengok.. nanti sha laks nak blaja ngan akak dulu~


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