Thursday, December 4, 2008

Organic o0o Organic...

Yesterday, I went to Carrefour Wangsa Maju to do some grocery shopping.

Initially was to change mom's handphone to N70 but then according to the sales girl, there's no such thing as change eventhough mom had purchased from the same shop in less than 24 hrs. Malas ah nak citer pasal tu, buat panas jer...

Anyway, back to shopping...
Sis Mone dah hasut I into buying organic food. That's why I'm now into Carrefour because Carrefour has it's own dept for organic. Rambang mata gak nak tengok~

There was once I bought Tropical Fruit Medley; organic baby food, and Alya loves it! So, I've decided to bought some for in case of emergency. Yesterday, my choice are Aloha Chicken Luah and Carrot + Apple. I also picked up a 200gm organic broccolli before hubby put it back and handed me non-organic broccoli. Geram btol. His argument is, my 200gm organic broccoli cost RM4+ while 1kg of nomal broccoli cost only RM5+. Urghh... But he agreed on organic eggs which cost RM 4.15 for 10.

Had also bought meat as I have never cook beef for Alya an also chicken strip since it is easier to cook for her. Bercita² juga nak cook a home made nugget. Tengok ah nanti outcome nye camner..

Yg bestnya during the shopping, Alya has been very friendly. She tegur everyone yg lalu around us. x malu btol.. When I showed her Barney's cd, she touched the Barney's picture and smile. Wee~ she knows her Barney well!

1 comment:

aedybesh said...

hmm... FYI about your ORGANIC EGG since 4.30pm (6th Dis 2008) it's only left 2pc n yg lagi besh abg n U n Alyia (mmg tak leh makan lg telur) did't eat yet... your brother (yg tak penah nak cooperation tuh dah belasah semua) hahaha... beli untuk orang makan BAGUS...


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