(9 to 12 mths, i would say)
1. Masak beras seperti masak bubur biasa.
2. Masuk kan ikan tenggiri.
3. Bila kedua²nya sudah masak, kisar ke tahap yang sesuai untuk bayi anda.
TIPS: Since baby this age dah past 2 stages in eating, they love to eat things with some texture. My advice is not too smooth.
This is the most simple-est baby food I've ever made! And not to forget, the only meal without vege at all. You can also add on oil in the porridge as babies need oil as to boost up their energy.
Hello Blog. Lama tak jumpa.
9 years ago
wah byk nye menu bubur baby. nanti leh triu. er taruk minyak ape?
boleh sgt² lah kalo nak try. Tapi, Alya x suke ah bubur ngan ikan nih. Sbb xde vege kot.
Minyak blh pakai minyak ape² je pon. Tapi, aku pakai minyak zaitun sbb kebetulan ada kat umah...
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